SIA’s Dr. John Bruni has a Current Affairs Radio Show!
SIA’s Dr. John Bruni now hosts a weekly Current Affairs Radio Show on Radio Adelaide 101.5 FM. Called The Focus, every Tuesday night at 8pm Australian Central Standard Time (ACST), we look at pressing Australian and global political, social and economic issues. Production team – Malcolm Hughes & Neil Smart
So far we have covered US politics in the dying days of the Trump administration, the fate of Julian Assange, the Tigray Uprising in Ethiopia, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Somalia and Bolivia just to name some of the topics addressed. Among our guests have been Robert Reich, former ABC investigative journalist Andrew Fowler, the Australian National University’s Prof. John Blaxland, independent defence analyst Raspal Khosa, MMT proponent Dr. Steven Hail, and SIA colleague David Olney.
If you would like to hear The Focus live streamed or access our back catalogue, please click on the following link:
And follow The Focus on its social media