SIA’s Dr. John Bruni joins MAST Technical Conference Committee
Recently Dr. Bruni returned from Japan having attended his first Maritime/Air Systems & Technologies (MAST) Technical Conference Committee (TCC) meeting.
The meeting prepared for the upcoming MAST Asia 2019 conference/exhibition, 17-19 June, Tokyo, as well as the Northern Coasts 2019 conference/exhibition in Copenhagen scheduled for early September.
Prior to Northern Coasts, SIA Chair of the Advisory Board & Senior Non Resident Fellow Global & Maritime Security, CDRE Patrick J. Tyrrell OBE RN (Ret’d) – also a member of the MAST TCC – and Dr. Bruni will be planning their second Advanced Workshop on Disruptive Maritime Technology.
The Workshop will continue to develop the themes plumbed in Portsmouth UK 2018, but this time explore things from a more focussed regional perspective.