Game Theoretical Modelling of Network/Cyber Security

This paper has been recently accepted for publication through IEEE Access. IEEE Access is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

By Dr. Azhar Iqbal

Head of Game Theoretical & Mathematical Modelling
SAGE International Australia

For most physical security situations the outcomes depend on the actions of both attackers and defenders. The attackers and defenders act rationally and can depend on various incentives that may be diametrically opposite or, under other circumstances, may have some overlap. Physical security thus provides the situations where the tools of game theory can be beneficially applied and can provide insights into making optimal security decisions. For various decision-making problems arising in physical security, game theory can provide a rich set of analytical methods and mathematical tools.

The pervasive use of the Internet opens up numerous network security situations. The attackers and defenders in typical situations are rational agents who have the ability to act strategically. The agents can be assumed to be interested in finding either the most damaging or the most secure use of available resources…

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